personal development programs
Deep and tailor-made program. Combination of individual coaching-mentor session and workshops with horses. The areas to be worked out during the program are specified during 2 initial coaching session. Duration of the whole program depend on the chosen areas, depth of the process and readiness of achieving desired change by participant.
Potential areas to work on:
Social Intelligence
Building balanced personality& approach to life.
Congruence/Self-Awareness/Nonverbal Communication
Who I am? Who I show to others? How connected am I to my inner self?
Emotional Intelligence
How to “read “message hidden behind the emotion.
Do others respect me? How to build healthy borders.
What leader am I in my life? Leading with intention.
Useful, pleasant, leads to better connection with Self and opening your hart.
- Lusi -
Light, and in the same way - deep method to reach better self-awareness.
- Denitsa -
how it works
Startup session:
Initial discussion about possible topics, way of working, expectations, process.
Duration: 1 hour
Fee: free of charge
Coaching session via skype:
Deeper discussion about chosen areas to be worked on during the program.
Duration: 1,5 hours
Fee: 90 lv.
Session with horses:
Outdoor activities with houses combined with individual coaching and feedback.
During this workshop we work on specific area (s) chosen for the day, based on the preliminary coaching sessions.
Duration: 3 hours
Fee: 180 lv. per session with horses
** valid for 1 topic to be work on and it is basic.
To achieve results it is recommended to do min 3 workshops with horses.
Individual mentor-coaching session via skype:
Follow-up sessions, done between workshops with horses. Purpose of these sessions is to reflect on experience and transfer learning into real-life scenarios. These sessions are optional and will be based on the personalized long-term program.
Duration: 45 minutes
Fee: 50 lv. per session

Let's talk
Book your preliminary free session now. Let's talk about your expectations and personal development objectives or how it works.
Complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss details...