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To see a change, you need to make a



Welcome! My name is Julia.

My path began many years ago. If then, I had a personal coach, helped me to realize what is important and valuable to me in my life, I'd get here much earlier.


During my life journey I have understood and felt that horses REALLY help you to make CHANGE, and as professional coach and facilitator of personal development programs with horses I see this each day.



 programs with horses

The first one in Bulgaria accredited by EAHAE International.

I invite you to enter to the world, where silence is more powerful than words, where direct approach is only way to go and where empathy is the only language you need to know...


Start Your journey now,

promise it will be unique experience which will change you!

why horses

Personal Development with horses is a new method of training which becomes more and more popular due to its enduring effects. The horse can have e key role as a medium in the training of executive managers and in team building processes. Horses are direct and sincere, their reactions are honest and immediately reflect what they are feeling.

This does not mean, that the participants should be experienced in riding or that they are used to horses. It’s more the other way round: the less experienced the people are, the better it is.

horse clinics

For horses, horse owners and not only...

  • If you have a horse and want to build strong, deep, respectful and rewarding relationship.

  • If you have a horse with behavioral problems, with bad habits or is difficult to handle and you want to change this.

  • If you plan to have your own horse and want to learn howto handle him.

This Clinics are for you




Interesting, useful and unique experience. Great coach and horses. During the seminars I found direct comparison between my inner feelings and impression I create in others.


I would recommend the seminars and working with horses, because it’s formula is light and in same time offers you very deep way to inner clarity.


During the seminars I found and define my values. I have understood new things about myself. I recommend because self-awareness and awareness of others makes us better human beings.


Julia Slawow-Tonew

Life & Personal Development Coach 

EAHAE Horse Assisted Education Trainer

+359 887 98 5152

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